How it works
Step 1: Please read the City of Yucaipa Yard Sale instructions. The sale is specific to the Chapman Heights residents. If you live outside of Chapman Heights, you are certainly welcome to hold a garage sale but your address with not be included in the marketing of the event.
Step 2: Print and complete the garage sale permit. Take the permit to the city office at 34272 Yucaipa Blvd and file with the clerk at the counter. The hours of operation for the city are Mon-Thur 7:30am-6:00pm.
Step 3: Fill out and submit the Garage Sale Signup Form so you can be placed on the interactive listing and map page listing/map to be used on the day of the garage sale.
Step 4: I will advertise the event on Facebook, X (Twitter) and Craigslist. You are certainly welcome to share it with your friends and family.
Step 5: Prepare for the sale. It begins at 8 am with each homeowner freely pricing and selling their items. The profits are yours to keep.
Have fun!
Thanks so much,